STARS will be meeting Friday June 24th 6:30pm at our Fenwick Island location to elect new officers for the 2022-23 year. Max Fadden will take over as Chair, congratulations, Max!! And Ben Parsons will transition to Past Chair, thank you Ben for your service leading STARS this past year and your continued dedication to Sussex STARS and your ongoing work with Delaware STARS. Congratulations are also in order for Ben Parsons, who was awarded Young Republican of the Year, Sussex, by the Delaware Republican Party at the Delaware Republican Convention on June 3. Congratulations Ben, one of our own! We look forward to seeing what you do next!
We are accepting nominations for the positions of Secretary and Treasurer, please email if you are interested in these positions and taking part in one of the most amazing groups for conservative young people in the area!

We will also be discussing current events and continuing our course on the Delaware Constitution in conjunction with the Institute on the Constitution the
See you then, and remember, We Create The Future!
Join Sussex Teenage Republicans
We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location
We welcome your support as we teach Sussex teens conservative values and responsible government
Makes check payable to:
Sussex Teenage Republicans
PO Box 388
Georgetown, DE 19947